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Penpal - penpal keren dengan foto!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 621054

Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
Usia : 34
Tempat Tinggal : Turki
안녕하세요. 제 이름은 큐브라예요. 저는 튀르키예 사람이에요, 큐타흐야에서 왔어요. 저는 서른네 살이에요. 선생님이에요. 책읽기 취미예요. 하지만 저는 담배를 전혀 안피워요. 저는 ...
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
Usia : 52
Tempat Tinggal : Senegal
Hellol am very understanding man with good heart, and will be happy to find the same in any beautiful woman all over the world as a friend. l look forward to meet yo...
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
Usia : 32
Tempat Tinggal : Jepang
はじめまして 東京に住んでいるスウェーデン人です 趣味は映画 音楽 ゲーム 旅行などです 日本の文化にも興味があります ぜひ仲良くしてください メールを楽しみにしています HiI m a S...
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
Usia : 47
Tempat Tinggal : Amerika Serikat
My name is Igor and I live in the US. When I have free time I like to do computer programming, learning new programming languages. I like technology in general. I also like reading, playing video game...
Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
Usia : 23
Tempat Tinggal : Amerika Serikat
Hi my name is Bailee and I am from the United States I like visiting my family overseas and trying new things. I am a student studying buiness. My hobbies are hiking, gardening, reading comic books. I...
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
Usia : 29
Tempat Tinggal : Korea Selatan
Hello. I like to talk with people. and want to know about their culture and daily life. I really interested in other country. my hobby is listening music, watching movie ,taking pic back ground ,eati...
Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
Usia : 18
Tempat Tinggal : Amerika Serikat
안녕하세요. 미국인 06년생 여고생입니다. 한국 친구 사귀고싶어요. 한국어를 조금 할 수 있지만 유창하지는 못합니다. 카톡 친구 추가해요Don’t be shy…I look forward to your messag...