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from Japanese friend & Taiwanese friend ♡
25,Aug 2013 11:34 AM
02,Nov 2013 08:30 PM
I love it
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Total comment(s) :14
Wow good!
yeji1223 | 02,Nov 2013
anchoobi | 01,Nov 2013
SORA♡ | 30,Oct 2013
yeji1223 | 30,Oct 2013
Wow great ^_^
beyza543 | 30,Oct 2013
wow cool ^.^
tilbek | 30,Oct 2013
It's cool!
foxi | 28,Oct 2013
omg i'm envy ^^
eloise4 | 20,Oct 2013
super :)
esin1 | 20,Oct 2013
OMG ! It's great
queenie6 | 20,Oct 2013
so good!!
j940413 | 30,Aug 2013
wow~!! great!!
hl8193 | 28,Aug 2013
wow.. I envy you!
hellomy | 28,Aug 2013
waow o.O
MeganLove | 28,Aug 2013