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Foto BBS
My first letter form... KOREA ! ^^ [6]
THANKS ^^ I'm so happy ! My smile is big, really ^^ :D... 27,Feb 2013 06:19 PM
from chingu Ju Ye. ♥ [5]
Finally I can eat dokbokki. *.* Thank you so much my dear friend. Really you are my best friend, I love you. ♥ I am thankful for you, you spend exertion for me. ^^Your han... 25,Feb 2013 09:29 AM
gift from france [3]
a fashion magazine t-shirt and photos that all the gift from my france friend... 25,Feb 2013 09:27 AM
Amazing gifts!!! [6]
Hello friends!!!! İm Elif.....From Turkey....I really would like pen pals. Can you talk to me by letter? I want to give and receive gifts.. It does not matter where you are in a..... 24,Feb 2013 04:22 PM
韓国からの贈り物 [2]
韓国の友達から 沢山貰いました〜♡♥♡ 日本語で頑張って書いてくれた(*^^*) ほとんどなんて書いてあるかは理解できなかったけど... 21,Feb 2013 11:19 PM
My gifts <3 From Sümeyye <3 Thank you ~~ [2]
I love stickers and Hello Kitty and Sunger Bob ♥♥... 20,Feb 2013 12:05 AM
유우키언니에게서 온 선물! [16]
앜ㅋ 15일날온 선물을 급하게 펴보앗당 으잌ㅋ 진짜 정리도 잘하고 2일안에왓당 ㅠㅠ 난 소형물이라서 몇일 걸렷는뎅 힝 ㅠ아이... 18,Feb 2013 03:34 PM
Small package from Korea [6]
Annyeonghaseo.. This is my small package from KOREA ^__^ I got this prize last month. I never expected before hehe. :D I hope I could get other letters from Korea, Japan, Turkey... 15,Feb 2013 10:58 AM
superjuniorがすきですww [4]
Kyuhyunがすき\(^_^)/ 皆すき。kkk Superjunior好きな人〜♪。... 15,Feb 2013 08:12 AM
韓国食品たくさん届きました♥ [8]
こんなにもたくさん届きました。 お菓子、飲み物、サムギョプサル、カルビまで、、、♪ ポロロのジュースお気に入りです☆彡 あ... 07,Feb 2013 05:11 PM