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04,Jul 2012 04:22 AM
27,Feb 2013 09:08 PM

I was surprised by this box...because it's so big!!!
What are there in it?!^^

I opened box...There are many gifts!!
I was so happy:)

I received them. They are great.
I like a letter that oppa write to me the best of all gifts!!!
Total comment(s) :16
COOL! Charming Present:D
straycat | 27,Feb 2013
익숙한 라면이 보이네요... '사리곰탕'..:D
yb0208 | 21,Feb 2013
I am envy for that, really good things! ^^
mrsdream | 20,Feb 2013
나도 어제 외국친구들에게 택배를 보냈어요~!!
그런데 이것에 비해 제가 보낸 선물이 너무 왜소해 보이는군요 ㅠ ㅠ
갑자기 그 친구들에게 미안해진다...
jdy7283 | 19,Feb 2013
Sorry! A new member could not leave a comment for a while.
Wow, that's really nice! :)
giaaa | 24,Sep 2012
Lucky lucky lucky !! ^^ I want too :)
tamin94 | 27,Aug 2012
mijilove | 25,Aug 2012
우와 부러워요! 저도 분발해야겠어요!ㅎㅎ
xnsldbwj | 17,Aug 2012
우와... 정성 대박... 나도 분발해야지
gpxpdmsw | 13,Aug 2012
와 정말 보낸사람의 정성이 크네요 내용이 알차고 풍부하네 ㅋㅋ
gosami | 13,Aug 2012
I wish I was so lucky
evael | 13,Aug 2012
우와... 저렇게 많이보내면 돈이엄청 들것같네요ㅠㅠ
ssin7950 | 12,Aug 2012
Sooooo nice!
ye0531 | 07,Jul 2012
Wow That's so good ^^
nuneo25 | 04,Jul 2012
Wow He is Cool!!!!! He is Millionaire?? just kidding:)
☞용석☜ | 04,Jul 2012
Oh my god!!!You're so lucky! >.<
~ComposeR~ | 04,Jul 2012