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from korea♪
23,Dec 2013 12:46 AM
02,Jan 2014 01:19 AM
크리스마스 선물 받았어요^^
Total comment(s) :6
so nice :)
miu_ | 02,Jan 2014
Great :)
minnish | 31,Dec 2013
많이 받았네~!!
난 터키로 크리스마스 선물 보냈었어~
chai0313 | 31,Dec 2013
You're so lucky !This look so yummy !
kyawaii | 31,Dec 2013
Sorry! A new member could not leave a comment for a while.
좋겠다. 부러워요!! =)
xoxo_7 | 23,Dec 2013
com8023 | 23,Dec 2013