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grass monster
19,May 2014 08:41 AM
30,May 2014 10:11 PM
need to eat without hurting ㋡ (^.^ )
Total comment(s) :16
hahahaXD very cute~♥!!
vlxjvos | 30,May 2014
thanks :)
dia-dia | 30,May 2014
wow it 's lovely!! rabbit eats plant. wow !! Doll cut hair!! Amazing!!hahahahaha:)
jinhas2 | 23,May 2014
I did not think in those terms at all. hahaha :)
dia-dia | 23,May 2014
krkorea | 23,May 2014
Sorry! A new member could not leave a comment for a while.
Thank you very very much
dia-dia | 23,May 2014
Sooooooo cute! I want one too...but, I'm too scared of pets. :/
hellloyb | 23,May 2014
believe me, there's no reason to be afraid. :)
dia-dia | 23,May 2014
What a cute rabbit!!
sbdh111 | 23,May 2014
Thank you my friend :)
dia-dia | 23,May 2014
very pretty and cute rabbit ))
alina231 | 22,May 2014
Thank you my friend :)
dia-dia | 22,May 2014
So Lovely. I have baby brother Bunny too :)
marie486 | 19,May 2014
Really?I'm so glad:)
dia-dia | 19,May 2014
How cute the baby is! :)
sumichip | 19,May 2014
thank you sir :)
dia-dia | 19,May 2014