This is one of my favorite songs by the Beatles. I had to put something here because there were absolutely no videos of them!
This song was made using a demo tape that John Lennon had made in the 1960\'s. The rest of the band got together and added the rest of the instruments and singing. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do!
'Whatever happened to the life that we once knew? Can we really live without each other? Where did we lose the touch that used to mean so much? Always made me feel so Free as a Bird'. It's like Lennon is talking about the end of the Beatles and the end of the 60s at the same time- the 2 things are virtually synonomous give or take a year. He might have been mourning what music and society was becoming though - the 70s gave us clichedly dark and clichedly frothy music. It was an awful time.
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